Imagine Innovation Everywhere

PFZ Puzzle

The opportunities in emerging markets have never been better.  Top emerging economies – including and beyond BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) – have been growing at more than 10% annually¹.  And with that economic growth, quality of life and per capita income has also increased, even enough that investors and multinational companies consider these markets in some ways more attractive opportunities than those in the US.  Individual disposable income has risen enough that even in the most emerging markets – including most African countries – that consumer markets have shown growth in most sectors, from mobile communications to pharmaceuticals.

While some investors and companies – and even local entrepreneurs – have begun to explore the most emerging economies for development, there has never been a better time to focus attention and resources there ².

And yet, why would we approach business expansion and investment in emerging markets in the same way as in developed markets?  Instead of starting from ground zero, why not start with best-in-class technology and an exceptional competitive advantage?  What if you could leverage a special mechanism to improve the likelihood of success of investment in emerging markets?  What if you could eliminate the technology risk and accelerate commercialization with the best solutions without the extra time and cost of traditional research & development?

This is where the Patent Free Zone model comes in.  PFZ is a fact – most companies do not file patents in emerging markets to the same degree they file in the US or developed economies.  Because of this fact, the vast majority of inventive solutions (the best of global R&D) are freely available for use in PFZ economies.  And using this fact to decrease risk, accelerate return on investment, and improve economic development in emerging markets is now possible for any and every business sector.

Patent Free Zone model functions to match immediate solutions — important patents, or group of patents, and the R&D they include — with business opportunities in emerging markets.  And many of these solutions are already making commercial impact in Western markets, so they are proven to work.

Imagine taking a new product from concept to production in less than six months.  PFZ lets you nearly eliminate the R&D and focus investment, resources, and time on commercialization – and reduces technology risk and costs as well.

Beyond the improved return on investment, consider also the social implications.  Most Patent Free Zone economies have very real issues with infrastructure, medicine, communications, water treatment, energy, and food production and processing that have already been solved with R&D embodied in US patents.  Through Patent Free Zone, entrepreneurs and businesses can use the solutions from in U.S. patents to build the economies of their own nations, generate returns, create jobs, develop sustainably without generating as much pollution and waste, and improve quality of life for citizens there – much faster than if we just do it the conventional way, starting from scratch & copying what’s been done in the West (or BRIC).  Beyond that anyone can build on this foundation and thrive.  Patent Free Zone has the potential to build a strong knowledge infrastructure that stimulates innovation everywhere.  And EVERYONE WINS!

What if you could change the world for the better – now.  What’s that worth?  What are we waiting for?
